FALL 1954
From the Poughkeepsie New Yorker

Junior Class officers are William Howell, president; Gail Bower, vice president; Dorothy Horton, secretary; and Joan Sandberg, treasurer.

William was elected vice president of the General Organization recently. He has participated in sports and various school activities, including freshman football, junior varsity basketball, the Tech Club, journalism, and has been a representative to the General Organization for the last two years.

Gail Bower is the General Organization treasurer. She was class secretary in her freshman year, has played the clarinet in the school’s band for three years, participated in the chorus for two years and in various girls’ sports.

Dorothy, the secretary, has been a General Organization representative for the last three years. She joined the Dramatic club in her freshman year and is now a Thespian. She was in the chorus for two years, assisted with the sophomore dance and participated in various girls’ sports.

Joan recently was selected news editor of the Arlingtonian school newspaper. She is a jayvee cheerleader, has been active in girls’ sports, sung in the chorus and was a member of the Junior Red Cross.

From the Poughkeepsie New Yorker
Alba Corrado was named “Queen” of the annual senior prom of Arlington High School conducted recently in the school’s gymnasium. Theme for the event was “Fantasy In Ice.” The “Queen’s” attendants were Mary Jane Reed, Ginda Pink, Gail Bower and Ethel Hart.

From the 1956 Anchors…
September ’55—and at last we were seniors. John Malthouse was chosen to guide us in our final year, and our own Vince McKenna brought honor to us by becoming the state champion harrier. Coming before all else, even Senior essays, was our Senior Prom, “Fantasy in Ice,” a frozen wonderland with an ice castle as the main attraction and Alba Corrado reigning as fair regent of the night. We held our last sport dance in February, with leap year helping for a theme. Then, too soon to believe, the Senior banquet and commencement were upon us with 143 maroon-clad figures receiving diplomas. This meant the end of our high school days. In spite of the sadness we feel at leaving our friends and the security of our alma mater, our hearts are filled with the pride of our accomplishment as well as the promising expectations of the future.

MAY 11, 1956
From the Arlingtonian

The Senior Class at Arlington High School recently held their annual Senior Tea. All mothers of Senior Class members were invited.

Some of the students working on committees were: Mildred Woodin, Margaret Oldenburg, Marguerite Drum, Barbara De Forest, Janet Billings, Mary Ann Klein, and Bernice Barrenger.

The mothers who attended were: Mrs. Ann Cruger, Mrs. Helen Helal, Mrs. Gertrude Robson, Mrs. Helen Moore, Mrs. Sheila Acker, Mrs. William Hauver, Mrs. Lillian Oldenburg, Mrs. Mildred Woodin, Mrs. Anna Malthouse, Mrs. Ethel Sandberg, Mrs. Gladys Wyatt, Mrs. Mary Wacker, Mrs. Ethel Smith, Mrs. O. Robinson, Mrs. Gladys Rugar, Mrs. Madeline Marshall, Mrs. Helen Blandino, Mrs. Theodore Cross, Mrs. Helen Reed, Mrs. Marion Van Wagner, Mrs. A. Nazarro, Mrs. Edward Heybruck, Mrs. Rose Mouer, Mrs. Norma Corrado, Mrs. Harold Williams, Mrs. Harold Tyson, Mrs. Frank Illustrato, Mrs. Vincent Brands, Mrs. George Howell, Mrs. Dorland Eighmie, Mrs. George Miller, Mrs. Floyd Billings, Mrs. Henry Hart, Mrs. Harry Engle, Mrs. Frederick Cowles, Mrs. Kenneth Robertson, Mrs. Thomas Cook, Mrs. A. Emery, Mrs. John Millett, Mrs. George Wilson, Mrs. George Fisher, Mrs. Melvin Sutton, Mrs. Albert Husted, Mrs. Nils Larson, Mrs. Andrew Pink, Mrs. Walter Neidhardt, Mrs. Charles Mills, Mrs. Otis Whitehead, Mrs. George Van de Water, Mrs. James Horton, Mrs. Marie Dexter, Mrs. William Gillette, Mrs. D. Sterling Sleight, Mrs. Catherine Russell, Mrs. John Maher, Mrs. James Traver, Mrs. Reginald Senior, Mrs. Merle Travis, Mrs. Robert Moysey, Mrs. Beatrice Shortell, Miss Marion Shelly, Mrs. William Drum, Mrs. Julia Cook, Mrs. Carleton J. Bower, and Mrs. Statia Ramage.

Excerpts from the class legacy…
We, the Senior class of 1956, being of unsound mind and shaky body, do hereby bequeath our remains (what’s left of us) to our worthy heirs, the class of 1957.

“Mighy Mouse” Jay Boyar receives George Acker’s muscles…Bill Gillette relinquishes his engineering boots to Rita LaFalce as Andrew Bida gets Nelson Leverage’s motorcycle boots…Barbara Dexter’s loquacity (talkativeness to you) is left to Joan Casement…And happy giggling to Bernie Jackson, with love from Nancy Eagen…Donna Moysey’s extensive correspondence is given generously to Barbara Appel…Mary Ann Klein leaves, with pleasure, the task of typing out the school newspaper and tests in Office Practice to Carmela Antedomenico…Bill Howell’s leadership ability of the G.O. is offered Steve Sandberg…Our salutatorian, Gail Bower, presents her combined talents of intelligence and personality to Liz Mathiasen…Arlene Coddington leaves Annette Fusaro in charge of discovering Mrs. Manning’s screw driver and dental pick…Nancy Howell’s poison ivy is given to Lucy Sharpe, complete with the itches and calimine lotion.
 View the “cap and gown” class photo, taken on the steps of AHS.

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