Bill & Toni Howell made a pilgrimage to Lourdes, France, in Spring, 2005. Joe Miller facilitated the trip and was part of the entourage. These are Bill’s notes and recollections, along with some photos of the participants..

First Day—Thursday, April 28
    We arrived at the airport in Taubes, a city near Lourdes, late that morning. The weather was 80 degrees F, and sunny. There were palm trees outside the terminal and we spotted snow on the Pyrenees Mountains in the background. The weather was similar all the time in Lourdes.
    We took a bus to our Hotel Arcade in Lourdes. The hotel was clean and neat—our room was small but adequate. After lunch we met the members of the green team headed by Charlotte Williams, Michelle and Kirk Babyak, and Michael O’Rourke, who is Joe Miller’s golf partner. Along with my wife, Toni, these people carted me around Lourdes in a three-wheeled wheelchair. I was too tired to go to Mass before dinner. That night we went to the Domain area to view a candlelight procession. Very impressive.

Second Day—Friday, April 29
    Morning prayers with two long homilies at the salle de Notre Dame. In the afternoon, I was immersed in the cold waters of the shrine waters. Then I attended a Mass where I was anointed with oil and took the eucharist. Later we took part in the candlelight procession. Very moving.

Third Day—Saturday, April 30
    In the morning, grotto Mass with a large number of people. Then a photo was taken of the 378 pilgrims. After lunch we broke into small groups to discuss our reasons for coming to coming to Lourdes. A cocktail party followed later. We had dinner with the Grand Master from Rome. Toni and I took a walk in the warm evening by the Gave River and had some crepes.

Fourth Day—Sunday, May 1
    Morning Mass in Pius X Basilica. In the afternoon, we processed in 90 degree heat. We then had to wait for our Church to clear. Under a shade tree, Charlotte and Michael said Rosary prayers for me to see how it was done. They did 60 prayers in about 12 minutes. Then a service for the blessing of the Sick, an Adoration and Benediction.
    At dinner that night, Joe Miller took charge of a small dinning room and we were Toni and I, Charlotte, Michael, his brother John, his mother Helen, Kirk and Michelle, Joe, Jack Shine, the treasure of the Order, and one or two others. Joe told stories about AHS and how he and I have been friends for 62 years. It was a fun time.

Fifth Day—Monday, May 2
    Mass in Sacre Coeur Parish Church, a local Lourdes Church where two young malades were confirmed and received first communion. Picnic a few miles outside Lourdes. Then the Stations of the Cross up a mountainside which Toni did alone, as I was exhausted. I rested and wrote postcards. Cocktail party and dinner followed.

Sixth Day—Tueday, May 3
    Closing Mass in the Upper Basilica, then Stations of the Cross on level ground. Instead of eating at the hotel, Michael took Toni and I and Kirk and Michelle out for Lunch at the Cafe Alexandra. This was the best meal we ate at Lourdes. I had paté de foie gras d’oie (goose lever fat), confi de canarde (breast of duck), a local red wine, a salad and a chocolate parfait. French cooking at its very best.
    Later we inspected the fort over the town, where there was an interesting garden with a glorious wisteria hanging down the side. Then we went to the grotto to get free Lourdes water. Purchased religious objects in town and containers for the Lourdes water. Charlotte gave me a small bronze cross. Michelle and Kirk gave me a blank prayer book, a blank journal for my spirtual thoughts, and two books on St. Bernadette. I felt embarrassed because I had purchased nothing for them.

Seventh Day—Wednesday, May 4
    Flight back on Air Atlantic to Newark airport.

Eighth Day—Thursday, May 5
    I corrected my mistake by sending four bronze key fobs of St Brynach's cross to Charlotte, Michael, Kirk, and Michelle.

Here's an additional look at Joe Miller and Bill Howell, along with Bob Batson. Photo taken by Jacquelyn (Dakin) Gill in November, 2004, at Cappucino Restaurant, South Road, Poughkeepsie. (Click on this or any photo on the page for a larger version)

©2018 Charlie Fleishman